Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Received Cards!

I've received 5 new postcards this week! 3 were official  postcrossing swaps and 2 were from private swaps.

This one came from just next door, a lady in Las Vegas. She sent a card of her hometown, Newport Beach, California. I especially liked getting this card because my husband grew up in southern California and this was his favorite beach.

Sideways Purple Heart Stamp

I got this funny flying frog-ette from a lady in St. Petersburg, Russia the same day, it makes me smile.

Beautiful Russian Stamps
 Then, today I got this card of a Alitalia Boeing 777, from a family in Saarbrucken, Germany. I thought that was really nice, because I said that I work for an airline and that I like aircraft in my profile.

Great German stamp of Regensburg's oldtown a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Also today, I got two postcards from private swaps.
This one from a man in Munich, Germany shows a beautiful scene from Oktoberfest of a large Ferris Wheel & the Cathedral of St. Paul behind it, all lit up at night. It's lovely and also has really cool stamps.

sweet foxglove sticker
The other was this great scene from a man in Rochester, New York. He told me about a place the bridge leads to called "High Falls" which is an inner-city falls. I find the idea of a waterfall in an inner city fascinating. I wonder if it is a very big waterfall? There is a tiny falls in Idaho Falls, but that is a pretty small waterfall in a pretty small city.

Clock Stamps - I like this design simple and striking; I have no idea what an "American Clock" is though.

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