Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What have I sent out?

The first postcard that I sent went to a bridge engineer in Poland. He requested bridge postcards so I dug into my collection and pulled out this card of Cart Creek Bridge in Flaming Gorge, Wyoming/Utah. The bridge is actually on the Utah side of the Reservoir. It travelled 13 days before arriving.

The Second Card I was assigned seems to have gone astray, it's officially been travelling 65 days and has "expired" on the site. Technically though,  It has only been in the mail 41 days, because it took me a little while to get started and find some postcards that I thought were good. I hadn't bought any postcards recently and I am disappointed to find out there are not that many places to buy them in my town and not too much variety. I've been working hard, building up a stash to send since I started, so I don't have any delays now. The card was going to a guy in Taiwan. I'm tempted to send another of the same card to the same person. I'm not really sure if I should do anything or not though. I'm not going to post pics of cards that haven't arrived at their destinations yet.

Then I sent this purple-hued Lake Tahoe card to a girl in Russia, whose likes included "winter" and the color purple. It travelled 36 days from the day I sent it to its arrival.

Lake Tahoe in winter
 Then I sent another Lake Tahoe Card, this time of Sand Harbor, my favorite beach up there, to a lady in the Netherlands whose likes included "beaches." Perhaps not the tropical beach she may have envisioned but I thought it would do. It only took 7 days to arrive from the day I sent it. I like that it shows how very clear Lake Tahoe is.

 Next was the first time I sent out this Nevada Map Card. It went to a lady from China who  listed map cards as a preference. It arrived in 23 days from the day I sent it. I live east of Reno & Sparks, near Pyramid Lake. There are a lot of other things that could be on here, but aren't, like Great Basin National Park and Death Valley National Monument (partially in Nevada partially in California).

The next one I was assigned I took some extra time to mail it, because I got an extra-special card based on the profile and had to order it from a web-site through the mail. It's been travelling 27 days since I sent it and hasn't arrived to it's destination in China yet. I'll be bummed if this one doesn't arrive.

Then went this card of a herd of running wild horses to the Czech Republic. It travelled 15 days. I like this card, not only because of the horses but also because it shows what Nevada looks like sagebrush covered hills. This photo looks like it was taken in winter or very early spring. Since there is a foal, I'd guess early spring.

 Then my first US card, another view of beautiful Lake Tahoe to a Scottish lady living in Arizona who likes "famous places in your area" so I figured Lake Tahoe is the most famous place in my area. It was only going to the state next door, but took 5 days to arrive anyway.

 Then I sent this card of baby mountain lions, once again to the Netherlands, to a lady who likes "pictures of animals in their natural environment" and "pictures of (baby)cats." It also took 7 days to get to the Netherlands.

 My next assignment was to Russia again, it has been travelling 19 days and hasn't arrived yet, my other Russian card took 36 days so I'm not worried yet.

Then another to the U.S. this time to North Carolina. I sent a very special postcard. Because the variety of postcard subjects is so poor around here, I had several of my photos printed into postcards. I want to showcase my beautiful home. I mean, Lake Tahoe is gorgeous, but it's not the only gorgeous place around here! I think my postcards turned out so awesome! I love seeing my photos looking professionally done. This one was of Pyramid Lake with a dusting of snow on the hills. The profile said she likes scenery and I think this is one of the most scenic places around. It took 6 days to arrive.

 After that I got assigned one to Australia. It's been travelling 11 days and hasn't arrived yet. I sent the same card that never made it to Taiwan, I hope this one fares better.

Then another U.S. assignment, to a nice girl in Louisiana.  She requested U.S. state maps, so I sent the Nevada map card again. It only took 3 days to arrive! That's nice and fast. I put on extra postage, because she said she likes to look at postage stamps and see what year they were put out, so I used a couple of old 20 cent stamps that were laying around.

That's the last card of mine to have been sent, but I got two new addresses today to send. Another in the Netherlands, and a second card to Poland. neat!

I've sent the Nevada map card on three private swaps now, once to Hong Kong (for the cute little devil dog in the previous post), once to France, and just yesterday to the Ukraine. People seem to love that card.

For the great Cache Valley postcard I received from Utah (see previous post) I sent one of my own cards in return. This one of a snowy Carson Valley. You can't see it in this photo, but there are bald eagles in that tree!

 I also did a not quite swap, a lady contacted me about her young cousin who was doing a boy scout project, trying to get a representational postcard from each state, with a scouting postage stamp. She provided the stamp, since I couldn't find any around here. I sent this card of our state capital, and wrote some information about Nevada on the back.

"Capital Building
Carson City, Nevada
The Nevada State Capitol was built by local building contractor Peter Cavanaugh between 1870 and 1871. It is a two-story masonry Classic Revival structure built with sandstone obtained from the Nevada State Prison quarry just outside of Carson City. Photo by Chris Bloomfield"

Your cousin, ------, contacted me on a postcard website about your very neat boy scout project. So, I thought I would send you a postcard from Nevada. This is a picture of our state capital building. It has a silver dome because we are "The Silver State." Lot's of silver has been mined from Nevada, especially from Virginia City. During the Civil War we became a state because the union needed our silver. We celebrate our state's birthday on Halloween and the kids here get Halloween off school because of that.
Best Wishes,
Angela (Nevada)
PS The weather is so nice here today, It is finally spring!!

Also I pasted pictures of our state flag (bottom right), state bird, state tree, state flower, and state seal (along the bottom) and a map pf our counties (top center).

Unless I've noted I used The Grand Teton 98 cent stamp for international, and the polar bear 28 cent stamp for domestic.

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